Here he was at two weeks....
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Oliver Wayne is Here!!
He is happy and healthy and we are overjoyed to finally meet him. Here is his story...
Oliver Wayne joined our family when we thought we would still have a couple weeks to prepare for his arrival. I had been on bedrest for the second week and thought for sure that at this doctor appointment my amniotic fluid level would be back in range. So, I would be put on modified bedrest and little Oliver would hang out until I was at least 37 week along. Jonathan and I were in the ultrasound room and learned my fluid level was back at 7.5 cc, which is the level that put me in the hospital 2 weeks earlier. Then we did the non-stress test. I thought the top band was just super tight, I was very uncomfortable, and my face felt just really hot. Jonathan looks at the monitoring tape and then at me and says, "Can you feel that?" I said, "I'm hot and this band is really tight. Do you think I can loosen it?" He replies, "No it is not the band, you are having contractions." And from then on, like every 3 minutes I was having contractions. Only one was a doozey, but I knew I wasn't going on modified bed rest after that. Dr. Shin came in and said she wanted me to stay on the monitors for another 15 minutes and to not eat or drink anything. That's when I new something was up because how was I going to eat or drink something while I strapped to monitors.
Jonathan and I went into an exam room Dr. Shin came in and said, " So, I think we should have a baby today!" I instantly burst into tears and Dr. Shin said, "No, No it is a happy day, It's baby day. I scheduled your c-section for 5 o'clock. So, here is your paperwork and we'll see you at the hospital in about an hour and an half." Jonathan and I were both kind of in shock that everything was set up and we were going to have Oliver in just a few hours. We asked some questions and then headed to the hospital.
Before I knew it I was being prepped for the c-section and things were just falling into place to have our little one. I was nervous but Jonathan was there and the staff answered every question I had. I was calm until Dr. Shin arrived, that made it really real and I was told that my heartrate went up when she came into the room. Dr. Shin went to work and before I knew it we had a crying baby. The nurses took him and were cleaning him up while Jonathan gave me the play by play of what was going on. We were so happy when we found out he was in great shape and didn't need to go to the NICU and we went to our recovery room as a family!
Oliver Wayne Brinson born Friday, May 1st, 2009 at 6:53 p.m. 6lbs. 7 ozs., 17.5 inches long.

Bye Bye! We'll have lots more for you soon.
Monday, April 20, 2009
How things change!
So here is my lovely "Kim at 33 weeks pregnant" photo. Yep, I was in the hospital after having a sonogram at my doctors office because my doc. was worried I was undersized for how far along I am. It turned out that my amniotic fluid level was pretty low and she shipped me off to the hospital for fluids and 24 hour observation.
Things are not all bad, however. Baby B seems to be doing great even though he has very little room to move in there. They figure he is 4lbs. 13ozs right now and his heart rate is good and steady. He passed their wellness assessment with flying colors. He is in the breach position right now and does not have an opportunity to change that because of the low fluid level around him.

So, now I am at home with my amniotic fluid level still considered low but increased from Thursday. I'm on bed rest and am instructed that I have to take it easy and only get up to go to the bathroom, eat a meal, or take a 5 minute shower. Super bummer. Jonathan has been great. (even though he took the picture on me in the hospital) :-). He set the bedroom up for me with a special wedge pillow, laptop tray, and a multitude of TV trays and chairs so we can dine together and watch a movie. He also made the upstairs bathroom functional this weekend. We were at the point of putting up the trim baseboards and crown, but he decided to forgo that and just put in the toilet, vanity, and shower door. While it will probably be a chore to later install the trim, it is really great to have that amenity upstairs again.
So now for he hard part, filling my days while just being able to hang out in bed. Sounds great to some, but I'm already trying to come up with creative things I can do. Hopefully work finds enough paper pushing type things for me to do and netflix never runs out of movies. This will be a good time to get to the reading I want to and probably comb the entire Internet.
The following picture is some of the stuff I had been working on. These are the burp cloths and pair of baby booties I made for my friend Megan's baby shower. I am hoping I will still be able to finish the sets for my other pregnant friends and Baby B soon. (I just have to figure out how I can run the sewing machine petal with my hand while still keeping the fabric straight) Just Kidding. I know that will have to wait for a little while...
Well, wish me luck and sanity and feel free to contact me at anytime. I'll be here :-)
Things are not all bad, however. Baby B seems to be doing great even though he has very little room to move in there. They figure he is 4lbs. 13ozs right now and his heart rate is good and steady. He passed their wellness assessment with flying colors. He is in the breach position right now and does not have an opportunity to change that because of the low fluid level around him.
So, now I am at home with my amniotic fluid level still considered low but increased from Thursday. I'm on bed rest and am instructed that I have to take it easy and only get up to go to the bathroom, eat a meal, or take a 5 minute shower. Super bummer. Jonathan has been great. (even though he took the picture on me in the hospital) :-). He set the bedroom up for me with a special wedge pillow, laptop tray, and a multitude of TV trays and chairs so we can dine together and watch a movie. He also made the upstairs bathroom functional this weekend. We were at the point of putting up the trim baseboards and crown, but he decided to forgo that and just put in the toilet, vanity, and shower door. While it will probably be a chore to later install the trim, it is really great to have that amenity upstairs again.
So now for he hard part, filling my days while just being able to hang out in bed. Sounds great to some, but I'm already trying to come up with creative things I can do. Hopefully work finds enough paper pushing type things for me to do and netflix never runs out of movies. This will be a good time to get to the reading I want to and probably comb the entire Internet.
The following picture is some of the stuff I had been working on. These are the burp cloths and pair of baby booties I made for my friend Megan's baby shower. I am hoping I will still be able to finish the sets for my other pregnant friends and Baby B soon. (I just have to figure out how I can run the sewing machine petal with my hand while still keeping the fabric straight) Just Kidding. I know that will have to wait for a little while...
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Super Fun Baby Shower
So, my baby shower weekend started with a big a surprise. On Friday, I got home from work, was looking for socks to put on my swollen feet and Jonathan comes homes and says, "Someones here to see you." ...and honestly I was like, Who is it now, I really just want to put my socks on and sit down for a minute. But to my very happy surprise I took a look around the corner and who did I find? BRITTNEY!
She flew all the way from SLC just for my baby shower and to be the best gift I could get. I can't believe Jonathan had totally kept me in the dark about it. His only clue that something was up was the statement he made the night before, "I know something you don't know." Which I completely dismissed because he knows lots of things I don't know and I know he would never spill the beans on a secret. He is much better at it than I am. He knows he'll never get a surprise party from me. Anyway, Brittney and I hugged it out, got some BBQ, made some cupcakes, and most importantly girl talked.
The next morning came very fast. Brittney and I frosted cupcakes, got ready, and hopped in the mini van with soon to be Grandma Cheryl and Great-Grandma Lillian. Liz (the ultimate planning princess) had everything in order and was busy setting everything up. She really thought of everything and I can't believe how great everything was. I think if I use the word everything one more time you will get the picture on how great EVERYTHING was. HA.

The baby shower was at Aunt Fannies Cabin which was THE restaurant in Smyrna way back when. It is now a part of the Smyrna Welcome center and has lots of history and early century charm. I think it was the perfect location for the shower and really solidifies Smyrna as my new home.
Here are the pregnant Kim's. Kim is due about 1 month after me and is having a little girl. Making here daughter Reese a big sis. Very exciting. I'm setting up the quilt square arts and crafts area.
This is my big belly and Liz with little Charlie. I can't wait for Baby B to meet his playmates!
This is what we all have to look forward to. By the time the babies reach three years old us mommas have to become a human jungle gym. Tracy does this with expert precision.
This is me with baby Marlie. She is such a sweet little girl and received the award for being the youngest babe at the shower as she was born at the very end of December.
And here are more of Baby B's future playmates and look at them go! Already sitting up and moving about!
Here are my ever vigilant pregnancy fitness class friends, Rebecca and Amanda, working on their quilt squares for Baby B's new quilt. They are both due in May. Coming up very quickly!!
Brittney is getting her baby holding fix with little Marlie. Brittney got great smiles from her.
Linda, Tricia, and the gang chatting and working on quilt squares.
Gift time! I really can not believe the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone. Baby B is already spoiled! I'm truly grateful for being able to have such friends.
Yeah! Kim and Jessica! Not at a race this time, but I hope to be in running shape soon. She gave Baby B the mobile for his crib and nightlight for his room. What comforting gifts!
She flew all the way from SLC just for my baby shower and to be the best gift I could get. I can't believe Jonathan had totally kept me in the dark about it. His only clue that something was up was the statement he made the night before, "I know something you don't know." Which I completely dismissed because he knows lots of things I don't know and I know he would never spill the beans on a secret. He is much better at it than I am. He knows he'll never get a surprise party from me. Anyway, Brittney and I hugged it out, got some BBQ, made some cupcakes, and most importantly girl talked.
The next morning came very fast. Brittney and I frosted cupcakes, got ready, and hopped in the mini van with soon to be Grandma Cheryl and Great-Grandma Lillian. Liz (the ultimate planning princess) had everything in order and was busy setting everything up. She really thought of everything and I can't believe how great everything was. I think if I use the word everything one more time you will get the picture on how great EVERYTHING was. HA.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Blanket for Baby B
Just wanted to share the baby blanket I finished for little Baby B. (Well, technically it is not finished. I have to add his name and date of birth to the other side, but that will just have to wait a little bit longer.) This project was actually really fun to do and you could really see your progress with every stitch. ...unlike knitting which I have learned only makes me frustrated, so that kind of stuff has been put away.
The blanket is a really soft fleece so I have high hopes of our little one loving to cuddle with it and I think it will wash up well. Well now that I've finished this I have no excuse but to finally finish the baby booties I've been working on. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
27 weeks! ...less than 3 months left!
So, here I am at 27 weeks. My belly has really popped out in just the last couple days. (My belly button is extremely shallow and its new texture kind of freaks me out a little bit!) I'd say I'm still carrying really low and am gaining in width more so than out. Oh well, what can you do. The books say that little Baby B is starting to put some fat on his bones now and will continue doing so until he is born. He should be almost 2 lbs by now. That is amazing to me because I know that is more than the weight that some of those octuplets were born at. Things are still going really well. I'm excited to enter the third trimester next week. It seems like a major mile stone. I have my glucose test next week and I'm not too worried about it or at least that is what I keep telling myself. Then I start going to the doctor for check-ups every 2 weeks. Everything is kind of speeding up. I hope JB and I are really ready for it. We have made the list for our hospital bag and will be using the very awsome bag Brittney sent me for my birthday. SSSSOOO, enjoy my mugshots!

Friday, February 13, 2009
Bluebelle's 4th Birthday
Here are Bluebelle's fatty eggy beef baby food laced cupcakes. Yum!
And Bluebelle waits patiently.
Like all good little kids she goes for the bacon and yogurt frosting first!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
IT'S A.....
So, If this picture doesn't make it extremely obvious to to you. (My administrator, Crystal, was confused) This picture is from his waist to his knees, with the rest of his legs tucked are behind him. My coworkers were giving Jonathan pats on the back for this one. I'm just so glad I don't have to worry about sentence formation anymore. I was always looking for a way not to refer to my baby as an it. And now I am so happy to say the word HE.
Anyway, the doctor came in and said everything looks really good and normal and the baby weighs 15 oz. and my due date will not change. I'm so happy things are progressing so nicely.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Baby B's Ultrasound Pictures
So here are the pictures of Baby Brinson I promised. I will post the ones from next weeks sonogram in a much more timely manner. This first one is just at 6 weeks along. Baby B is the little triangle in the black oval. It was crazy to see this little thing with it heart beating so fast.
And here is Baby B at 16 weeks. The head was on my left side and Baby B's feet were all tucked up under my right hip.
And now for the little bit eery one. Baby B is looking right at us. Which gives us a very good look at the skull bones and really nothing more. So active! Cross your fingers for a successful 20 week ultrasound picture!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
So the holidays have already come and gone! We had lots of parties and visitors throughout. My parents stayed through Christmas, helping us remodel the upstairs bathroom. It has come a long way. Dad did all the demo, new plumbing, new electrical, put in the window, the shower pan, and all the sheetrock and hardibacker. Of course, finding the many surprises that makes this house so "special" and time consuming. Jonathan is now mudding the sheetrock and hardibacker, so we may be able to tile this weekend. We'll see...
Mom and I got to do lots for cooking and baking over the holidays. We made cookie bags and platters for parties and friends around Atlanta. I think we did a good job because we got some rave reviews! It was really good to be in the kitchen with mom again. We had a really good time searching through recipes and deciding what to make for all the dinners and special occasions that were coming up.
Mom and I also completely finished the wedding album. Yes, Jonathan and I's wedding album. I know we got married in 2005, but I had this whole scrapbook thing I wanted to do with all the pictures Brian had taken throughout the week long event. And needless to say it has been sitting there 1/2 done for a really long time. So if you come over and I want to show you wedding pictures from four years ago you know why. They are brand new to me again!
We all went down to Statesboro for Christmas and had a really good time visiting with Jonathan's mom, Cheryl, and his brother, Travis, who was on leave from the army. We don't get to see him much because he is stationed in Alaska and has had two tours in Iraq, so it was extra special to get to hang out with him. The weather was extremely warm and it was hard to believe it was Christmas, but Santa Claus came regardless and gave us more than what we needed.
I had my 16 week appointment just before Christmas and Jonathan and I were hoping we would be able to find out the sex of the baby, but alas the baby is just as stubborn as Jonathan and wouldn't show us! But it was really great to finally see what is going on in there. Baby Brinson was facing down then flipped around to face up and clapped it hands several times then faced up looking to the sensor. Very active. My doctor kept saying "You can't feel that!? You can't feel that!?" and I just kept having to say "No, I don't feel a thing." I have a few sonogram pictures I need to scan in and put up. I promise I will do it soon. I have another sonogram on the 15th of this month, my 20th week appointment. (Halfway there!) Hopefully Baby Brinson will be a little more willing and we will be able to start planning what the final nursery plans will be and if Jonathan and I will have to start debates over what names to pick. We have it pretty narrowed down for a girl and are still in hot debate over boys names.
Mom and I got to do lots for cooking and baking over the holidays. We made cookie bags and platters for parties and friends around Atlanta. I think we did a good job because we got some rave reviews! It was really good to be in the kitchen with mom again. We had a really good time searching through recipes and deciding what to make for all the dinners and special occasions that were coming up.
Mom and I also completely finished the wedding album. Yes, Jonathan and I's wedding album. I know we got married in 2005, but I had this whole scrapbook thing I wanted to do with all the pictures Brian had taken throughout the week long event. And needless to say it has been sitting there 1/2 done for a really long time. So if you come over and I want to show you wedding pictures from four years ago you know why. They are brand new to me again!
We all went down to Statesboro for Christmas and had a really good time visiting with Jonathan's mom, Cheryl, and his brother, Travis, who was on leave from the army. We don't get to see him much because he is stationed in Alaska and has had two tours in Iraq, so it was extra special to get to hang out with him. The weather was extremely warm and it was hard to believe it was Christmas, but Santa Claus came regardless and gave us more than what we needed.
I had my 16 week appointment just before Christmas and Jonathan and I were hoping we would be able to find out the sex of the baby, but alas the baby is just as stubborn as Jonathan and wouldn't show us! But it was really great to finally see what is going on in there. Baby Brinson was facing down then flipped around to face up and clapped it hands several times then faced up looking to the sensor. Very active. My doctor kept saying "You can't feel that!? You can't feel that!?" and I just kept having to say "No, I don't feel a thing." I have a few sonogram pictures I need to scan in and put up. I promise I will do it soon. I have another sonogram on the 15th of this month, my 20th week appointment. (Halfway there!) Hopefully Baby Brinson will be a little more willing and we will be able to start planning what the final nursery plans will be and if Jonathan and I will have to start debates over what names to pick. We have it pretty narrowed down for a girl and are still in hot debate over boys names.
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