Things are not all bad, however. Baby B seems to be doing great even though he has very little room to move in there. They figure he is 4lbs. 13ozs right now and his heart rate is good and steady. He passed their wellness assessment with flying colors. He is in the breach position right now and does not have an opportunity to change that because of the low fluid level around him.
So, now I am at home with my amniotic fluid level still considered low but increased from Thursday. I'm on bed rest and am instructed that I have to take it easy and only get up to go to the bathroom, eat a meal, or take a 5 minute shower. Super bummer. Jonathan has been great. (even though he took the picture on me in the hospital) :-). He set the bedroom up for me with a special wedge pillow, laptop tray, and a multitude of TV trays and chairs so we can dine together and watch a movie. He also made the upstairs bathroom functional this weekend. We were at the point of putting up the trim baseboards and crown, but he decided to forgo that and just put in the toilet, vanity, and shower door. While it will probably be a chore to later install the trim, it is really great to have that amenity upstairs again.
So now for he hard part, filling my days while just being able to hang out in bed. Sounds great to some, but I'm already trying to come up with creative things I can do. Hopefully work finds enough paper pushing type things for me to do and netflix never runs out of movies. This will be a good time to get to the reading I want to and probably comb the entire Internet.
The following picture is some of the stuff I had been working on. These are the burp cloths and pair of baby booties I made for my friend Megan's baby shower. I am hoping I will still be able to finish the sets for my other pregnant friends and Baby B soon. (I just have to figure out how I can run the sewing machine petal with my hand while still keeping the fabric straight) Just Kidding. I know that will have to wait for a little while...
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